+49.211542117.0 office@grip-legal.de

Private Clients

„Not everything which is unexpected should fill us with fear“

– Frank-Walter Steinmeier

Contingency Planning

Contingency planning, by its very nature, is not for implementation “overnight”. With our GRIP LEGAL CONTINGENCY PLAN SOLUTION you have the unforeseeable under control at any time. We apply knowledge gained from practical experience in the last 20 years and in cooperation with you put together a practical contingency package:
  • Private general and/or health care proxies
  • Living wills
  • Company-related (international) proxies
  • Contingency will
  • Marriage contract agreements
  • Status quo calculation of inheritance tax burden
  • Check list of organization – private domain
  • Check list of organization – company domain
  • Drafting of company communication for the worst case

Assets and Company Succession

Succession planning is one of the entrepreneur’s biggest challenges and requires him to devote considerable time thinking about his own objectives, the expectations and requirements of his family and the company. He should be prepared to repeatedly question and balance these items. It is a dynamic process, and often the solution must first be developed and remain flexible for the future. We can support you in this endeavor from the initial idea to the contingency case.

  • Statement of assets and asset planning
  • Analysis and avoidance of taxation pitfalls
  • Help to identify key factors from the point of view of those affected and the company
  • Company valuation
  • Drawing up a sound succession concept from a legal and taxation point of view
  • Coordination with tax authorities in advance of new structuring
  • Structuring of (inter)national assets and/or (inter)national companies
  • Review of company law contracts
  • Employee participation/MBO/partnership models
  • Last will, inheritance contract
  • Family governance
  • Endowments
  • Forced heirship waivers
  • Marital agreements
  • Emigration abroad
  • Charitable foundations and family foundations
  • “Generation talk”

Inheritance Law

Death is not the end of the process….

  • Inheritance law – advice on structuring
  • Settling of (inter)national estates
  • Settlement of an estate among the community of heirs
  • Inheritance disputes
  • Execution of a will

Contact us!