GRIP LEGAL Gebhardt Reiser Immes Pfaus PartGmbB Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater
Lindemannstr. 47
40237 Düsseldorf
Telephone: +49-211/542117-0
Telefax: +49-211/542117-11
Partners authorized to represent in the sense of the German partnership act (PartGG) and responsible according to § 55 para 2 RStV (interstate broadcasting contract) are:
• David Reiser (address as above)
• Katja Immes (address as above)
The company is entered in the partnership register of the District Court of Essen (PR 4615).
Sales tax identification number according to § 27a UStG (sales tax law): DE327888135
Registration/responsible chambers
Rechtsanwaltskammer (bar association) Düsseldorf
Freiligrathstraße 25
40479 Düsseldorf
Telephone: +49-211/49502-0
Telefax: +49-211/49502-28
Steuerberaterkammer (chamber of tax advisers) Düsseldorf
Grafenberger Allee 98
40237 Düsseldorf
Telephone: +49-211/66906-0
Telefax: +49-211/66906-600
The professional titles “Rechtsanwalt” and “Rechtsanwältin” (male and female lawyer respectively) and “Steuerberater” and “Steuerberaterin” (male and female tax adviser respectively) are conferred in Germany.
Legal professional regulations for lawyers
• Federal Lawyers’ Act (BRAO)
• Federal Lawyers’ Code of Conduct (BORA)
• Specialist Lawyers’ Regulations (FAO)
• Federal Lawyers’ Remuneration Act (RVG)
• Code of Conduct for European Lawyers (CCBE-professional rules)
All the rules referred to above can be read on the internet page of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers “” under the section “professional law”.
Legal professional regulations for tax advisers
• Tax Consulting Law (StBerG)
• The Regulation for the Implementation of the Tax Advisory Act (DVStB)
• Association of Tax Consultants and Tax Agents (BOStB)
• Official Fee Schedule for Certified Tax Advisers (StBGebV)
• Regulation for Expert Advisers
All the rules referred to above can be read on the internet page of the Chamber of Federal Tax Advisers under the section “The tax adviser/professional law”.
Professional liability insurance
Our professional liability insurance is issued by R+V Allgemeine Versicherung AG, Raiffeisenplatz 1, D-65189 Wiesbaden, Telephone: +49-611/533-0, Fax: +49-611/533-4500, Email:
Territorial validity: the complete area of the European Union.
Out-of-court settlement of disputes
For an out-of-court settlement of disputes you can contact:
• Ständige Schlichtungsstelle der Rechtsanwaltskammer Düsseldorf (permanent dispute resolution body of the bar association, Düsseldorf (contact data see above)).
• Steuerberaterkammer Düsseldorf (chamber of tax advisers, Düsseldorf (contact data see above)).
These are the only two bodies where we participate in dispute settlement procedures.